We are mainly engaged in the applied basic research of hydrodynamics, structural mechanics, ship vibration & noise reduction and development of deepsea vehilces and high performance ships.
• Finite element analysis of ship structures
• Hydrodynamic layout and overall technical optimization of sea-skimming WIG craft
• Research and development of new technology of small waterplane area twin-hull ship
• Research of hydrofoil lift enhancement and stabilization technology and design and development of various hydrofoil crafts
• Research and design of channel-type twin-hull planing boat
• Research and application of bubble drag reduction technology
• Design and development of dynamic air cushion composite ship type
• Development and main performance optimization of wave piercing hydrofoil twin-hull ship type
• Research and design of new triple-hulled and multi-hull ship type
• Research and design of various planing boats, round-bilge speedboats, deep-V ships and various composite ships
• Application of new energy technologies such as solar energy and wind energy in ships
• Research and development of lake and water environment treatment equipment such as various blue algae cleaning ships, ecological dredging vessels and reaeration aeration ships
Research Results
Research and development of sea-skimming WIG craft
CSSRC is the first scientific research institution to study WIG crafts in China. Since 1960s, we have conducted a great deal of theoretical research, experimental research and prototype design and development of WIG crafts under national support. We started from researching the basic principles and succeed in developing six ships for the XTW series alone. Our craft evolve from single-person test boat to 20-seat demonstration ships, from simple glass and steel structure to fully anti-rust aluminum alloy structure, from featuring piston engine to turboprop engine, from sailing in lakes to roaming in oceans. With long-term unremitting efforts, we have gathered rich experience in the theory and test methods, design and construction technology, hull materials and construction technology, and engine installation and maintenance of WIG crafts. Moreover, we made breakthrough in its research, design and application. In May, 2013, WIG Craft Xiangzhou No. 1, a 7-seat single-engine ship made of composite material, was developed successfully. Our achievements were awarded with many national, provincial and ministerial awards. The "902" craft won the Third Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award in 1989; "XTW-1" received the Gold Medal Award of the 38th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology ("Brussels Eureka"); "XTW-4", the "research on hydrodynamic performance of large- and medium-sized WIG craft" and “XTW-5” won the Second Prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award in 2002, 2007 and 2009, respectively.
Technical Service
Design, development and service of new high-performance ships
• Research and development of XTW and combined wing series WIG craft
• Design and development of a series of small waterplane area twin-hull ships
• Development and manufacture of a series of high-speed hydrofoil crafts
• Design and development of wave piercing hydrofoil twin-hull composite ship type
• Scientific research and consultation of various new high-performance ships Design and development of new special ships
• Scientific research and production of special speedboat
• Design and manufacture of various public service and law enforcement vessels
• Design and development of various accommodation and tourist ships
• Design and development of various transport ships
• Design of various fishery vessels less than 90m long
• Design, development and consulting services of special ships with high seakeeping ability such as marine scientific research ships and resource exploration ships. Design and development of water treatment ship
• Design of various water environment supervision and monitoring vessels
• Development and production of a series of water surface cleaning ships
• Development and production of a series of cyanobacteria cleaning ships
• Development and production of a series of comprehensive cleaning ships for aquatic plants
• Design, development and production of ecological dredging vessels for shallow water
• Design and development of reaeration aeration ships Application and service of new ship technology
• Consultation and service on the overall scheme of cyanobacteria bloom in lakes and comprehensive control of water environment
• Application of hydrofoil speed increase and stabilization technology
• Application of bubble drag reduction and energy saving technology
• Consulting service of ship modification and design
• Application of new energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy and design and development of green ships