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Another proposal for An International Standard for Submersible was successfully approved!

posted on:2021-01-20   page views:745

The Submersible Working Group (ISO/TC8/SC13/WG1) was established in February 2015 with the mission of revising international standards in the field of submersible. The working Group has so far been approved to publish two international standards (ISO 21173:2019 and ISO 22252:2020).

Recently, with the unremitting efforts of the working group, the new standard proposal - "Submersible Terminology" has finally obtained the support of the standards institutions in UK, the United States and Russia, through the approval of the vote. The project number is ISO/NP 5411.

In the next three years, the submersible Working Group will steadily and orderly promote the preparation of the draft of the international standard in each stage, and invites the active participation of experts from various countries in the field to provide intellectual support for the preparation of the international standard for submersible.